Monday, March 8, 2010

~Pineapple Tart~

Today I want to share with you all how to make a famous pastry in Malaysia..It is very famous because every festival in Malaysia, this kind of pastry will take part in it. This pastry is called as “Pineapple Tart”

As we know, pineapple tart (tat nenas) has to be the most popular sweet pastry in Malaysia during the festive seasons.

For the Chinese, it is a must during the Chinese New Year festival as pineapple signifies prosperity because of its shape and color. Hari Raya also can never do without tat nenas. When you pass through family houses across the street, you can smell the pineapple jam being prepared. It is such a homely aroma, beckoning you to enter

Pineapple Tarts is a mouth watering pastry wrapped in home cooked pineapple jam that would melt smoothly in your mouth. Today, it comes in different shapes and designs such as the open tarts which are popular in Malacca, the Pineapple Rolls (Nastar), and pineapple shaped tarts and many others but all of it is as addictive.

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