Monday, March 8, 2010

~How to Make Pineapple Tart~

In my previous entries. I just stated about pineapple tart..but today I want to share with you all about how to make it. There is step by step to make it. If you all follow this step I confirm that you all will get a good result after preparing your own delicious pineapple pastry. So..let`s try to do some.

To make the jam, you can either use canned pineapples or fresh ones. Of course fresh pineapples will make better tasting jam.

There are 2 types of ingredients which are to make the pastry and to make the jam.

Pastry: 500g flour, l/2tsp salt ,250g butter or margarine ,2 tbsp caster sugar or icing sugar, 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 2 tbs iced water

Jam: 2 medium sized grated pineapple (I simply use the food processor), 350g sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 large cinnamon stick and 1 star anise

To make jam

First, you must peel the pineapples carefully, as the skin has sharp thorns. Remove all green colour skin and the thorns (hidung) off the flesh of pineapples. Next you grate or process finely the pineapples, drain the liquid using a sieve.

To make pastry

First, sieve flour, salt and sugar into a mixing bowl. Rub in margarine or butter and add cold egg yolks and vanilla essence to form dough. Next, roll pastry into 0.5cm thickness and stamp out with a pineapple tart cutter.

Add one teaspoon of jam.

To avoid the dough from sticking to the mat or cutter, use a little flour to coat the cutter. The rolling pin and the rolling sheet. Decorate the tart with two strips of pastry placed to make a cross on the top.

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