Friday, February 19, 2010

~Choice and Preparation in Making Pastry~

Do you know???Besides you cooking pastries, the most important things is the utensils that you used…Here I’ve some information that I want to share with you all.

First thing that I get to know is metal plates or baking tins that we usually use in baking will give the greatest degree of under browning. This degree of under browning decreases with the use of plates made of thin china, fireproof glass, thick china or earthenware, in that order. The under browning may be improved if plates used for cooking plate tarts etc have absolutely flat bases and are stood upon a baking tray for cooking. The baking tray should be put in the position on the shelf whilst the oven is heating up.Woww..that`s really an important notice that I must put in my mind.I think.

Besides that, as you all know.baking sheets or other utensils used for cooking the less rich pastries such as short crust, may be either lightly greased or left entirely un-greased. A flan ring and the baking sheet on which a flan is cooked should be well greased to prevent the pastry sticking.

The most important thing which is utensils used for baking pastries made with flaky, rough puff, or puff pastry should not be greased. For best results rinse or sprinkle the utensil with cold water before the pastries are put on it.

Today, you`ve have learn a new thing about pastry. Not just only baking…bye

Thursday, February 18, 2010

~General Pastry Making Tips~

Today I want to give to you all the tips in making a good pastries…I’ve have found this in articles that publish in a newspaper. After I’ve seeing this, I hope I can share with you all the things that can make you all to make good pastries.

First of all, all ingredients and utensils should be kept as cool as possible. Your hands can be cooled by allowing cold water to run over the wrists.

The pastry should be handled as little and lightly as possible.

Secondly, add only sufficient water to mix evenly to pliable dough. Too much water will make the pastry hard. Streakiness in the pastry can be avoided if all the water needed is added at once.

Besides that, you must knead lightly with the fingertips drawing the edges of dough towards the centre, turning the pastry on a lightly floured board.

Roll out with short sharp strokes of the rolling pin away from you. Turn the pastry not the rolling pin. Some rich pastries are improved if allowed to cool and relax between rolling.

You must collect all equipment needed and weigh up the ingredients before starting the pastry.

In addition, when a recipe calls for a certain weight of pastry, this weight refers to the amount of flour used and not to the total amount of pastry. For example, if a recipe says you need 4 oz (112 g) Short Crust Pastry, it means that you start off with 4 oz (112 g) flour and then add all the other ingredients.

Lastly from me and the “tips”..hehehe…pastry must freezes well, baked or unbaked, except Hot Water Pastry and Suet Pastry.

That all from me to you..bye..see you next time

~It is Good to Eat Pastry~

Hello everybody…today I just want to talk a little bit of of the type in pastries. Do you know anything about cakes when you eat smell it and you taste it with your tongue?

Yes, you read that right! There are health benefits to cake. At least I think so. Here’s why…

Firstly, you try to imagine for a moment that everything bad you’ve heard about cake is true. The refined sugar, the bleached flower and hydrogenated oil… bad for you.

But what about the positive chemicals your body releases when you experience the joy of cake? Not to mention the mental health benefits caused by the enjoyment of a tasty, fresh, heavily frosted piece of your favorite variety.

As I’ve admitted before, I’m not a scientist but i`m a student studying in chemical engineering and I have made some research about pastry for my blog. And I’m OK with that. But I do know (first hand) that the daily grind, often devoid of joy, takes a major toll on us.

Study after study tells us what’s bad for us. Don’t eat refined foods, don’t breathe, don’t use plastic, don’t ingest one million gallons of anything — not even water (there are prescription drugs in there you know).

But who has done a study on the BENEFITS of cake? Or the benefits of anything enjoyable for that matter.

The point is that joy has great power. What we believe has a direct effect on what becomes reality.

I’d like to see a study of people who do everything as healthy as possible, with one slight catch. Take all the joy out of their lives. My guess is that the lack of joy will crush any benefits of organic anything.

So, go ahead, eat that piece of cake. Enjoy it. It just might save your life.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

~Prepare To Get Cooked~

Hye everyone..Welcome again to our legacy of pastry...Do you still remember about PASTRY???

To anyone that don`t know...this is one type of pastry..Try to look at this picture??Look yummy right..owhh..So delicious...but in my today post..It is not about eating it..But how do we`ll prepare it..Prepare the delicious PASTRY...
First, we must know the main ingredients...because how do we cook without the INGREDIENTS??

The main ingredients in pastry are flour, fat, liquid, and salt…Either pastry or all-purpose flour can be used. Fat is probably the most important ingredients, because it contributes the most of pastry’s flakiness and tenderness as well as its taste. It also, however contributes to making most pastries high in fat and calories. Liquid is needed to develop gluten and leaven the pastry with steam, and salt is needed to flavor. That`s is a little bit of the ingredients…but is the first step in preparation…To cook and make the pastry is on our new, wait for it…there will be many interesting about pastry that you will know..Just a little bit of time..soooo,that all that I have to write in this post..i hope you`ll enjoy it..Finally..Eat pastry to make you smile..

~Type of Pastry~

Okey.. This week we are continued back with our story about pastry… this time we want tell you about the types of pastry… All pastries fall into one of two basic types; it is Plain Pastry and Puff Pastry…Plain Pastry or can also known as pie pastries it is used for pie crust while the Puff Pastry is a delicate pastry that puffs up in size during baking due to numerous alternating layers of fat and flour…

But according the both of the types, we want to explain more about the type of pastry, Puff Pastry…Puff Pastry have a wide assortment of puff pastry is a Blizt or quick puff pastry, Strudel, French pastries, Phyllo (fee-low), Danish pastries and Pâte à Choux (pot-a-shoe).

Based on the puff pastry variation, a Blizt or quick puff pastry, Strudel, and French pastries is a quicker and easier to prepare. This pastry combines with the mixing techniques of plain pastry with the rolling and folding technique of puff pastry.

The other variation like Phyllo (fee-low) is Greek or Near Eastern version of puff pastry made of very thin sheets of dough. The paper thin sheets of dough was rolled or folded into a variety of shapes. The Phyllo have been soaked in honey and topped with nuts. For the Danish Pastries, it is made with yeast and very crisp pastry and was separated into fine layers. Often that, the Danish pastries has a sweet filling or toppings. Pâte à Choux (pot-a-shoe) is a cream puff and made from rather choux paste because it is more like a thick paste.