It`s all about pastry that has been written in this blog..I want to propose you all to eat pastry… everybody can eat pastry..but did you all know pastry have many advantages..but the advantages and this advantages is written in the coming soon post..today I want to share to you all the symbols of pastry in our daily life..as we know..pastry has many kind of it..such as tarts..muffins..cakes..pancakes…and many other…Today, pastry is famous among children..if you have kids at home..there will be trouble to ask them to eat..but with pastry at home or you buy it at the store..it`s one of the favorites meals for our children..Because of the pastry, we can ensure them to eat pastry but after they eat the dishes that we cook…there is one of the thing that can make we smile in our living day..It is from my observation in my own daily life at home, pastry is become one of the good thing that can make us love each other not only to our friends, lovers or the person that teaching us, it can make us love our own family..it is the good thing that we wish to do right now right???if I’m wrong, please correct me..Besides that, pastry has become the main topic in people that has been worked in the office or somewhere else..pastry has become the suppliers of energy or at time when they all has “butterfly in the stomach” meaning that they all are HUNGRY..hahahahaha…As we know, pastry has been a role model in our daily life…If you can see, today everybody like to eats pastry..not only childrens, not only workers but also our Grandfather, grandmother, and did not forget “Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother”.
So, for me pastry is become the best thing in my life..one of the best thing..that`s all for today…bye…see you on the next topic..W`salam